Barmy Productions is the brainchild of childish brains, and yet, despite those brains, great comedic art is created again and again, though not here.
Things began auspiciously when Stuart met Martin at precisely the same moment that Martin met Stuart. This unlikely synchronicity gave them both the feeling that a great future lay ahead. But even they could never have imagined how their comedic endeavours, like the now classic radio comedy Barmy Dale, would take the world by storm.
They have since been credited with saving the mood of the nation and yet remain humble despite rumours of knighthoods circulating in the press.
We believe that Barmy Productions captures the current zeitgeist perfectly. The world is increasingly barmy making us a safe bet for your investment. If you have any reason to question just how widespread barminess is becoming please refer to any major news outlet or view the pictorial evidence below.
Barmy Productions © 2023